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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
A Code for Contentment

A Code for Contentment

Originally posted 2018-11-25 00:10:35. By Aisha Stacey Life would be easy if we had a code for ...

The Probability of Macroevolution

The Probability of Macroevolution

Macroevolution of evolution theory tells us that humans, as well as other multicellular forms o ...

Even a Smile is Charity: A Life Example

Even a Smile is Charity: A Life Example

Muslims are also commanded to perform da`wah (calling others to Islam). I recall very well that ...

From Atheism to Islam: The Light of Al-Fatihah

From Atheism to Islam: The Light of Al-Fatihah

I was raised as a Lutheran. I was baptized as a Lutheran. I remember watching Laura and Grint W ...

Muhammad in the Bible

Muhammad in the Bible

A prophet like unto Moses. There were hardly any two prophets, who were so much alike as Moses ...

Islam: Humans’ Innate Faith

Islam: Humans’ Innate Faith

In Islam, there is nothing that can lead people to atheism. There are no mysteries that can str ...

Fruits of Feeding the Hungry

Fruits of Feeding the Hungry

Feeding people in general and a hungry person in particular has been explicitly mentioned in th ...

The Big Question: The Purpose of Life

The Big Question: The Purpose of Life

Why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or ...

Maintaining Discipline in Worship

Maintaining Discipline in Worship

His wife noticed a great change in his demeanor. They had several discussions about his work an ...

The Qur’an on Clouds: Amazing!

The Qur’an on Clouds: Amazing!

Meteorologists have only recently come to know these details of cloud formation, structure, and ...

Sister Jasmine’s Journey to Islam

Sister Jasmine’s Journey to Islam

Before I converted to Islam, I knew basically what most of the other people know about Islam, w ...

Combustion without Fire

Combustion without Fire

A bulb is a body which shines like a star and emits light, inside glass, and that is in full co ...