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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Polygamy in the World and the West

Polygamy in the World and the West

The Western attitude towards polygamy is ethnocentric and hypocritical. The point that is often ...

Those Who Have Binding Authority

Those Who Have Binding Authority

The term ahl al-hal wal `aqd refers to those who have power and are influential in terms of dec ...

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 2/2)

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 2/2)

My science family came from all over the world, and members were of varied backgrounds, culture ...

Glimpses on the Night Journey

Glimpses on the Night Journey

The Night Journey experience, presented in classical accounts of the Prophet's life as a gift f ...

Islam, Muslims and the Natural World

Islam, Muslims and the Natural World

Islamic law needs to be applied in environmental cases. For everything ranging from animal righ ...

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 1/2)

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 1/2)

Arriving in the States, I had the feeling of being thrown into an ocean. The ocean was full of ...

Repentance in a Taxi Trip

Repentance in a Taxi Trip

The man burst into tears all of a sudden and cried hysterically. He never stopped so I had to s ...

Cat Stevens, Former Pop star, UK (Part 2/2)

Cat Stevens, Former Pop star, UK (Part 2/2)

When I read the Qur’an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Musli ...

Cat Stevens, Former Pop star, UK (Part 1/2)

Cat Stevens, Former Pop star, UK (Part 1/2)

As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creati ...

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 2/2)

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 2/2)

All sciences, so long as they are directed to God and not to merely worldly ends or personal gl ...

Umm `Imarah: A Great Model

Umm `Imarah: A Great Model

In that battle, she sustained more than twelve wounds in different parts of her body; and she b ...

A Conversation with an Atheist (E-book)

A Conversation with an Atheist (E-book)

This is the first E-book produced by the Electronic Da`wah Committee (EDC) and Truth Seeker Web ...