Pilgrims must spare no effort in adhering to these criteria and observances in order to render ...
The historical background that led to the scientific and secular revolutions which contributed ...
You are like the bird. The bird does not stand on one branch of a tree all the time waiting for ...
America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its societ ...
As we enter the first 10 days of this blessed month, our hearts and prayers are with those unde ...
According to God, our Creator, the biggest sin in His sight is associating partners with Him, d ...
This season of worship brings many benefits, such as the opportunity to correct ones faults and ...
It is frequently claimed that Darwinism is central to modern biology. On the contrary, if all r ...
This short video gives an interesting account on the difference between agnosticism and atheism ...
Allah is the one and only Lord, whom the hearts and souls revere and long for. All creation dep ...
The common trait of the eyes and the wings is that they can only function if they are fully dev ...
The surge in conversions to Islam has taken place despite the negative image of the faith in th ...