“Thinking where Muhammad came from . . . I think it is almost impossible that he could have kno ...
The formation of milk is by itself an enormous creation miracle. And it is another miracle alto ...
Never before has any other belief or idea so taken away peoples' powers of reason, refused to a ...
Perhaps the emotional response measured in this study is an echo of that previous belief. If so ...
Fireflies produce green-yellow lights in their bodies. Light is the means of communication for ...
The question of God's existence has preoccupied men's minds for many centuries. Those who belie ...
As the special diving tanks in a submarine are filled with water, the vessel becomes heavier th ...
The stages of the formation of thunder and lightning after that darkness, mentioned in the vers ...
Nothing happens because the head structure of woodpeckers is ideally created for such a task. T ...
ER is the organized industry district in the cell. Most of the factories of molecules produced ...
In this amazing video, one knowledgeable Muslim draws a comparison by the Qur’an and a book tha ...
The scope of infectious diseases is progressively more challenged by globalization. Easy and fr ...