To my pleasant surprise, the Muslims we interviewed were highly positive about their Ramadan ro ...
The early Muslim scholars did not even have to address the issue of the Existence of God, for i ...
The Prophet (PBUH) exhorted the Muslims to treat the prisoners so well to such an extent that t ...
Nerve cells possess exactly the same design as an electrical cable: Inside are very fine fibers ...
One rule, put forward by R. A. Fisher, one of the last century's best known geneticists, and ba ...
Qarrah said: That he asked the Ibn Sirin if the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) played jokes o ...
When God created the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), the first man on earth, and his wife, He ...
Unlike Prayers, charity, and pilgrimage, fasting is an invisible act. According to Islam, only ...
Among his many achievements, Muadh was one of six men who collected the Quran while Prophet Muh ...
As well as bringing water, an essential requirement for living things, to the earth, the rain a ...
Scientology can only be considered a pseudo-religion and as such, it is of no appeal to anyone ...
It goes without saying that not seeing Allah is only a temporary decree for Allah’s true servan ...