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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Can We Be Happy Without God?

Can We Be Happy Without God?

The question is whether it is better to have the opportunity of enjoying an eternal life of bli ...

This is What Happens When You Humiliate Others!

This is What Happens When You Humiliate Others!

The overall theme of the Surah exposes a mean type of person. One who appears in every society. ...

Yahya Schroder, Ex-Secularist, Germany

Yahya Schroder, Ex-Secularist, Germany

The life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think especially for me as a ...

“No Religion” 3rd Group After Christians, Muslims

“No Religion” 3rd Group After Christians, Muslims

An age breakdown showed Muslims had the lowest median age at 23 years, compared to 28 for the w ...

Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of Muh ...

Natural Evil, the Devil and Magic (Special Folder)

Natural Evil, the Devil and Magic (Special Folder)

However, there are many signs in this universe that may need an adequate explanation. All faith ...

The Bacterial Flagellum

The Bacterial Flagellum

One of the interesting examples of irreducible complexity that Behe gives in his book is the ba ...

The Importance of `Aqidah (Creed, Faith)

The Importance of `Aqidah (Creed, Faith)

This is the sum of what we wish to mention and what we wish to raise our voices about. The matt ...

Proving the Existence of Allah to an Atheist

Proving the Existence of Allah to an Atheist

Many atheists demand a scientific proof for the existence of God. I agree that today is the age ...

Sarah Price: Reasons for My Reversion to Islam

Sarah Price: Reasons for My Reversion to Islam

Well, it’s for multitude of reasons. Although people usually assume it’s for a man. Why else wo ...

What Is Required for Salvation!

What Is Required for Salvation!

Though the Surah is very concise, Imam Ash-Shafi`i said, “If the people were to ponder on this ...

Miswak: The Natural Toothbrush

Miswak: The Natural Toothbrush

The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention) recommended Muslims to clean their teeth usi ...