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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Is Allah Confined to Any Place?

Is Allah Confined to Any Place?

"Above them" in 16:50 refers to the Almighty being above His servants in His Might, Power, Loft ...

Navigating Through Life Storms

Navigating Through Life Storms

Believers and unbelievers have very different reactions to events. For example, a believer may ...

Julaybib; “This man is of me and I am of him”

Julaybib; “This man is of me and I am of him”

His name was unusual and incomplete. Julaybib means "small gown" being the diminutive form of t ...

Caution against Illegal Sexual Intercourse

Caution against Illegal Sexual Intercourse

"And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a fahishah (i.e. anything ...

Why Does Islam Prohibit Eating Pork?

Why Does Islam Prohibit Eating Pork?

Dr. Zakir Naik is asked why does Islam prohibit Muslims from eating pork? He gives a very detai ...

The Quivering and Swelling of the Earth

The Quivering and Swelling of the Earth

The motion described in the verse is different from the movement of Earth's crust, such as when ...

Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty

Allah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty

Allah, may He be glorified, loves the effects of His blessings to His slave to be made manifest ...

The Fossil Record Refutes Evolution

The Fossil Record Refutes Evolution

According to the theory of evolution, every living species has sprung from a predecessor. A pr ...

The Acceptable Action

The Acceptable Action

Therefore, know before everything else the necessary conditions for actions before they are acc ...

On the Existence of the Divine Being

On the Existence of the Divine Being

Only a person out of his wits could hold that this wonderful system of life came into being, an ...

Man-God Relationship

Man-God Relationship

God is the only true Provider. It is He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities ...

Seven Meanings of God’s Name Al-Fattah

Seven Meanings of God’s Name Al-Fattah

In Arabic, the word “Fataha” means, “to open something closed”. Your relationship with God’s Di ...