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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Are You One of the People of the Shade?

Are You One of the People of the Shade?

The day of resurrection is real. On that day, every man will rise up for accountability. All th ...

Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

The most important claim of the Greek philosophers Empedocles (fifth century bce), Thales (d. 5 ...

Compass in the Ant’s Eye

Compass in the Ant’s Eye

Black desert ants inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia are among those creatures who ...

Allah’s Different Forms of Creation

Allah’s Different Forms of Creation

There is an important point that is ignored by those who believe in evolutionary creation which ...

Defending Darwinism Facilitates Communism’s Spread

Defending Darwinism Facilitates Communism’s Spread

One of the most important and yet least-known aspects of Darwin is his racism: Darwin regarded ...

The Arabic Language (Part 1/2)

The Arabic Language (Part 1/2)

By the beginning of the eighth century, the Islamic Arab Empire had spread from Persia to Spain ...

How Does Islam Teach Arabic to Its English Speaking Followers in Canada?

How Does Islam Teach Arabic to Its English Speaking Followers in Canada?

When I was growing up the Jewish students in my public school went to Hebrew classes in the syn ...

Who’s Afraid of Arabic Numerals?

Who’s Afraid of Arabic Numerals?

Presumably, the Americans who opposed the teaching of Arabic numerals (Republicans in greater p ...

Hope – The Most Sublime Rank for the Followers

Hope – The Most Sublime Rank for the Followers

The believers’ relationship with their Lord is characterized both by fear and hope, such that t ...

The Religion of Darwinism Is a Pagan Religion

The Religion of Darwinism Is a Pagan Religion

There is a great similarity between the beliefs of Darwinists and those of old pagan cultures. ...

How to Avoid Anger

How to Avoid Anger

Prophet Muhammad was tested by the stubborn and ignorant people around him. He was exposed to r ...

Why Is It Deceptive to Portray Cloning as “Evidence for Evolution”?

Why Is It Deceptive to Portray Cloning as “Evidence for Evolution”?

Creating a human being or any other living thing—in other words bringing something into existen ...