Elaborate processes taking place in the bodies of living things are impressive examples that he ...
Unless the acts of worship we are doing are characterized by perfect sincerity to Allah and als ...
As these prominent Darwinist scientists admitted, it's illogical to maintain that life began sp ...
It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living bei ...
Evolution is not accepted by the entire scientific community, as its proponents would have peop ...
Allah sent His messengers to convey this religion, the one He is pleased with, to their peoples ...
The 20th century, which we have just left behind us, was a century of war and conflict, leading ...
Today, the world is going through wartime, many terrorist activities are targeting innocent peo ...
Mutations arise from replacements and interruptions that occur due to chemical effects and radi ...
We should seek out methods to attain Allah’s love because His love guarantees success and abund ...
Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the vast majority have nothing ...
Hence, a slight deviation in the Qiblah is generally regarded as something permissible as long ...