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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Security Measures of Animals

Security Measures of Animals

Many creatures have the capability to estimate potential hazards and to invent various security ...

Existence of Different Races: Evidence for Evolution?

Existence of Different Races: Evidence for Evolution?

The different physical features between human races are due to variations within the human race ...

Architects in Nature

Architects in Nature

Honey bees, which make perfect hexagonal hives; beavers, which construct dams suited to fine en ...

Prophet Muhammad: An Appreciation of Beauty

Prophet Muhammad: An Appreciation of Beauty

The world looks so devoid of beauty and so filled with the ugliness of anger, hatred, wars, int ...

The Deceit of the Origins of Flies

The Deceit of the Origins of Flies

While a person cannot even swing his arms 10 times per second, an average fly has the ability t ...

Why Should We Eat Organic Produce?

Why Should We Eat Organic Produce?

Organics have become an integral part of our food system. As a young child, I knew organics to ...

Relativity of Time and the Reality of Fate

Relativity of Time and the Reality of Fate

Destiny is the eternal knowledge of Allah, Who is independent of time and Who prevails over the ...

World-Famous Atheist Convinced by Science That God Exists

World-Famous Atheist Convinced by Science That God Exists

His thesis was disarmingly simple: Most people assume that God exists, and therefore that the a ...

The Maternal Affection Signs of God’s Unlimited Compassion

The Maternal Affection Signs of God’s Unlimited Compassion

Brain analysis performed by researchers from NYU Langone Medical Center has revealed that sever ...

Artesian Wells were Predicted in the Qur’an

Artesian Wells were Predicted in the Qur’an

Groundwater, the largest source of fresh water on Earth, represents more than 90 percent of the ...

The Endosymbiosis Hypothesis and Its Invalidity

The Endosymbiosis Hypothesis and Its Invalidity

The endosymbiosis hypothesis is based on the fact that the mitochondria of animal cells and the ...

The Anatomical Structure of Turtle Armor

The Anatomical Structure of Turtle Armor

All turtle species breath with lungs . God has created the lungs of these creatures towards the ...