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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Compass in the Eye of the Ant

The Compass in the Eye of the Ant

Black desert ants inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia are among those creatures who ...

Our Faithful Friends: Horses

Our Faithful Friends: Horses

Horses' legs are specially created not only to make them carry heavy loads but also to make the ...

The Story of Haroot and Maroot (P. 1)

The Story of Haroot and Maroot (P. 1)

The devils introduced magic to the people and claimed that Sulayman (may Allah exalt his mentio ...

Understanding the Nature of God: A King Like Other Kings?

Understanding the Nature of God: A King Like Other Kings?

In all these senses, He is a king, but He is so different from all human kings. Thus it is true ...

We Are Responsible for Our World

We Are Responsible for Our World

The impact of human greed and abuse of natural resources is visible throughout the world as tre ...

Religious Tolerance in Islam

Religious Tolerance in Islam

The Christians were allowed to keep their own languages and customs, to start their own schools ...

Burn the Amazon!

Burn the Amazon!

The Amazon’s forests are being burned primarily to create more grazing land for cattle, one of ...

AIDS From An Islamic Perspective

AIDS From An Islamic Perspective

Islam's greatest contribution to the HIV/AIDS epidemic is prevention. The Islamic position on m ...

How Haneefah Bint Stefan Reverted to Islam

How Haneefah Bint Stefan Reverted to Islam

From this time, I remember having strong doubts about Christianity. I read the Bible but it di ...

Why Islam? A Message to All Seekers of Truth

Why Islam? A Message to All Seekers of Truth

Perhaps other religions do not answer the big questions of life, such as “Who made us?” and “Wh ...

The Darwinist Hoax Defeated

The Darwinist Hoax Defeated

Yet some look at the same creature and claim it evolved by itself in the nature and “even thoug ...

What Is Color and How Is It Made?

What Is Color and How Is It Made?

All the information we have about color indicates that every process that takes place during th ...