It was during this period, at the age of 21, Badiuzzaman read a news article reporting that Bri ...
Yet all the Muslims I could find would use excessive amounts of Arabic or Urdu in explaining th ...
Cleaning out the closet feels great. You go through all of your stuff, throw away whatever you ...
The heart is not only responsible for pumping the blood inside the human body; it has another f ...
Moral values, such as honesty, trustworthiness, justice and chastity, are originally innate val ...
It is impossible to understand the structure of the atom and establish this cloud-like appearan ...
My father is Native American, an African-American, and my mother is Jewish. They were very unre ...
It is well known that Islam is against all forms of idol worship. Though this is true, some peo ...
The generations succeeding Adam could also speak, had feelings, felt sorry or excited, wear clo ...
Electrons and protons of an atom are equal in number, because positively charged protons and ne ...
This chapter opens with an oath. God swears by the heaven or the sky. The Arabic word used gene ...
The moment they open their eyes to a new day, they find themselves engrossed with everyday rout ...