It is an interesting and awe-inspiring situation for a living being to reach a weight 8 times i ...
The index of extinction risk for five major groups — birds, mammals, amphibians, corals and an ...
Darwin's atheism had the greatest influence on shaping his theory. He twisted facts, observatio ...
Zuhd entails abandoning whatever of this world that does not bring about benefit in the Hereaft ...
Due to the way human history has gone, the word slavery has very negative connotations and righ ...
The Qur’an rhetorically asks the question: “Did the universe come out of nothing?” The answer s ...
A million different things run through your head. You feel alien to the community of Muslims th ...
Just like Moses was given the sign of the burning fire, God gives all of us signs in this life. ...
Thinking about the creation of the world, the universe, and humankind can be confusing. There ...
I was challenging my friend with every question that came to mind about God. I would find mysel ...
Jesus Eesa (Esau, Yeheshua Jesus-Christ) was a Prophet and Messenger as well. He received One B ...
Jesus himself is also venerated throughout the Qur’an. We read that he was born of a virgin, he ...