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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Prophethood: The Perception of Realities

Prophethood: The Perception of Realities

Just as the Qur’an is believed to be the revealed Word of Allah without any reservations, simil ...

Allah’s Infinite Greatness and Power

Allah’s Infinite Greatness and Power

Billions of people have appeared on Earth since time immemorial. Therefore, Allah created billi ...

The Purpose of Life in Light of the Qur’an

The Purpose of Life in Light of the Qur’an

What we have to understand is how these signs indicate that there will be a Hereafter. One cour ...

God is Ar-Raqib: The Ever-Watchful

God is Ar-Raqib: The Ever-Watchful

Today’s world excels in managerial and financial oversight. Self-monitoring is regarded a great ...

How Do We Know God is One? (Part 1/2)

How Do We Know God is One? (Part 1/2)

The Qur’an rhetorically asks the question: “Did the universe come out of nothing?” The answer s ...

Allah: The One and Only God

Allah: The One and Only God

The One true God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Mus ...

Religion between ‘Blind’ Imitation and Certainty (P. 1/2)

Religion between ‘Blind’ Imitation and Certainty (P. 1/2)

The message of Islam challenges - using the power of persuasion and clarity of proof - those wh ...

Who Is Allah?

Who Is Allah?

Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the w ...

Keeping God in the Heart

Keeping God in the Heart

Dhikr or remembrance of God is a way of linking the heart with the Divine. It provides with the ...

Faith is Human Nature: What Does This Really Mean?

Faith is Human Nature: What Does This Really Mean?

When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with our ...

Why Is There So Much Injustice in the World?

Why Is There So Much Injustice in the World?

No human being can claim to be free from weaknesses and shortcomings. This is the reason why we ...

Assuming the Best about Allah

Assuming the Best about Allah

Our assuming the best about God really means pinning our hopes and expectations on Him. We know ...