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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Creation of the Woodpecker

Creation of the Woodpecker

Nothing happens because the head structure of woodpeckers is ideally created for such a task. T ...

God’s Miracles: Organized Industry in Our Cells

God’s Miracles: Organized Industry in Our Cells

ER is the organized industry district in the cell. Most of the factories of molecules produced ...

7 Reasons Islam beats Atheism!

7 Reasons Islam beats Atheism!

In this amazing video, one knowledgeable Muslim draws a comparison by the Qur’an and a book tha ...

Infection Control in Islam

Infection Control in Islam

The scope of infectious diseases is progressively more challenged by globalization. Easy and fr ...

Ibn Al-Nafees and Discovery of the Blood Circulation System

Ibn Al-Nafees and Discovery of the Blood Circulation System

Ibn Al-Nafees worked in the hospital as a physician, and later as a teacher of medicine. Owing ...

The Coming Water Crisis

The Coming Water Crisis

As global food prices rise and exporters reduce shipments of commodities, countries that rely o ...

Peace and Justice in Islam

Peace and Justice in Islam

According to Islam, peace is the rule and war is only an exception. Even in defensive war we ha ...

The Role of Human Rights in Islamic Law

The Role of Human Rights in Islamic Law

Teaching and emphasizing that the founders of America and the great scholars of Islam shared a ...

Surah Al-Masad: Prophet & Islamophobic Uncle

Surah Al-Masad: Prophet & Islamophobic Uncle

This Surah was revealed to counter the attacks and the hostile campaign launched by Abu Lahab a ...

Conversion Story of R. L. Mellema from Holland

Conversion Story of R. L. Mellema from Holland

We were now to visit a much smaller mosque, where the sermon was delivered by a scholar who spo ...

Determination: A Believer’s Attribute

Determination: A Believer’s Attribute

Determination is the most significant attribute of a believer. Believers never lose their enthu ...

Conversion Story of Sir Jalaluddin Lauder Brunton

Conversion Story of Sir Jalaluddin Lauder Brunton

Realizing the necessity of living up to the Truth and digging deep, so that I may find the "pea ...