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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Significance of Gut Health

The Significance of Gut Health

“Good gut health, or good digestion, is the gateway to overall health and wellbeing,” says Alin ...

Health and Islamic Philosophy

Health and Islamic Philosophy

Establishing Islam not only means establishing mosques, Islamic centers and schools, but also e ...

Tawheed… The Essence of Islam

Tawheed… The Essence of Islam

According to Islam, all religions revealed to the prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, have ...

Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood

Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood

Prophet Muhammad never learned or practiced sorcery.  On the contrary, he condemned the practic ...

Jesus Christ and “His People”!

Jesus Christ and “His People”!

There is no doubt or suspicion whatsoever about this Divine Book of Allah which was revealed to ...

Two Women, Two Inspirations

Two Women, Two Inspirations

Reem was deeply inspired by Jessica’s courage and resolution and her accomplishments, but she w ...

False Eyes

False Eyes

Can these extremely convincing eyes be the result of a coincidence? How does the butterfly know ...

The Decimal and Islamic Mathematics

The Decimal and Islamic Mathematics

Muslim mathematicians were the first people to write numbers the way we do, and, although we ar ...

Blind Termites Building Skyscrapers

Blind Termites Building Skyscrapers

Special chambers for the young, fungus production fields and the queen’s chamber are only a few ...

Life in the Desert

Life in the Desert

Extreme heat that reaches up to 50-60oC (122-140oF) in the daytime, freezing cold at night, dro ...

The Heating System of the Winter Moth

The Heating System of the Winter Moth

Before flight winter moths continuously tense the main muscles that are connected to the wings ...

The Marvelous Co-Operation of the Ant and the Bird

The Marvelous Co-Operation of the Ant and the Bird

Microbes disturb birds too, but birds do not have a system in their bodies to produce protectiv ...