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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Colonel Donald S. Rockwell, Poet and Critic, USA

Colonel Donald S. Rockwell, Poet and Critic, USA

The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and the compelling atmosphere of its mosques, the ...

My Fiancée’s Death Led Me to Islam

My Fiancée’s Death Led Me to Islam

Before I converted, I didn’t really believe in God. I didn’t really have a religion. I didn’t r ...

I Was a Man Without Religion, but not Without God

I Was a Man Without Religion, but not Without God

So I was like a man without a religion. Fortunately I was not a man without a God. I even went ...

Adam Ibrahim Finds Islam

Adam Ibrahim Finds Islam

I was a Christian in name only. While I did believe in God, I had not submitted Him as the make ...

From MTV to Monasticism

From MTV to Monasticism

Is it possible to draw close to God before you even begin praying, before even knowing about th ...

Yahya Schroder, Ex-Secularist, Germany

The life of a Muslim in Germany is quite difficult than one would think especially for me as a ...

Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of Muh ...

Sarah Price: Reasons for My Reversion to Islam

Sarah Price: Reasons for My Reversion to Islam

Well, it’s for multitude of reasons. Although people usually assume it’s for a man. Why else wo ...

How Did Stephen Schwartz Find Islam?

How Did Stephen Schwartz Find Islam?

Very early on, I learned that behind the glorious works of the Spanish Catholic mystics there w ...

From Atheism to Christianity to Islam

From Atheism to Christianity to Islam

I once knew an atheist who claimed he had never believed in God's existence. In his view, belie ...

Michael Wolfe, the US Journalist, Embraces Islam

Michael Wolfe, the US Journalist, Embraces Islam

These were the terms my early life provided. The more I thought about it now, the more I return ...

World-Famous Atheist Convinced by Science That God Exists

World-Famous Atheist Convinced by Science That God Exists

His thesis was disarmingly simple: Most people assume that God exists, and therefore that the a ...