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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Real Status of Women in Islam

The Real Status of Women in Islam

No matter what Muslim women do or say to try to convince the world otherwise, words like hijab, ...

Abu Hurairah: Master of the Memorizers

Abu Hurairah: Master of the Memorizers

Abu Hurairah had an excellent memory and he was able to quickly memorize and did not forget. As ...

Nature of Differences among People

Nature of Differences among People

If our different tongues and colors as well as the characteristics of our creation are but a si ...

Scholars’ Status and Grace

Scholars’ Status and Grace

Indeed, it is a duty in Islam. Every Muslim has to love and support the faithful after adhering ...

Can a Sword Capture a Human Heart?

Can a Sword Capture a Human Heart?

Some people claim that Islam only spread at the point of swords. The only answer capable of ref ...

Umm `Umarah: Nusaybah bint Ka`b (Part 2/2)

Umm `Umarah: Nusaybah bint Ka`b (Part 2/2)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) sent Umm 'Umarah's son, Habib bin Zaid as his rep ...

The Arabic Language (Part 2/2)

The Arabic Language (Part 2/2)

As both the language of Islam and a medium of culture and learning for five centuries, Arabic c ...

Ibn Khuldun’s Views on Education

Ibn Khuldun’s Views on Education

No one denies the predominance of admonitory-ethical style on the early Islamic educational out ...

Islam Calls for Good Manners

Islam Calls for Good Manners

The Messenger of Allah defined the main goal of his mission when he said, “I was sent to perfec ...

The Fundamental Sources of Islam

The Fundamental Sources of Islam

From time to time, there arise claims calling for rejecting the Sunnah and following the Qur'an ...

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2/2)

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2/2)

Love for his most beloved daughter and one of the best women who have ever lived in this world ...

How Did Thumamah Ibn Uthal Embrace Islam?

How Did Thumamah Ibn Uthal Embrace Islam?

Groups of Muslims were patrolling the districts of Al-Madinah and outlying areas on the lookout ...