Muslims believe that all members of humankind are able to reform; in addition they believe that ...
Islam recognizes that human beings are the custodians of the earth and all that is on it, inclu ...
He loved his fellow Muslims and sought to fulfill their needs. He said, “To look after a Muslim ...
Rejoice and be happy, remain positive and be at peace. This is what Islam teaches, for all God’ ...
For 23 years he ruled an empire that had welded together a broad arc of the earth extending fro ...
What one can see is that Type I FGC, sometimes called “Sunnah” circumcision, does have some bas ...
Various forms of FGC is practiced throughout the world, but it is most common in sub-Saharan Af ...
He remained fond of knowledge and had an unmitigated desire to actively and studiously attend c ...
Umar ibn Abdul Aziz became the Emir (Caliph) by a coincidence of history. When the Omayyad prin ...
Polygamy is not a practice limited to the religion of Islam; rather, it is something well-known ...
The release of the Hawazin captives, however, made many of the Muslims, especially among those ...
This is part 2 of the great video by Dr. Zakir Naik in which he says it all about Islam and its ...