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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Philanthropy and Zakat

Philanthropy and Zakat

Purifying our souls from greed and checking our humanity is what giving zakat every year does-c ...

Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan (Part 1/2)

Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan (Part 1/2)

Umm Habibah was so grateful to Allah for the honor bestowed on her by making her one of the Mot ...

An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam

An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam

No one can force a woman to marry a married man. Islam simply permits polygamy; it neither forc ...

Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salam

Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salam

Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salam was a true scholar who knew that the role of a scholar is not restrict ...

Hisbah (Islamic Duty of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil)

Hisbah (Islamic Duty of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil)

Hisbah is a broad Qur'anic principle that encompasses both the government's responsibilities as ...

Polygamy in the World and the West

Polygamy in the World and the West

The Western attitude towards polygamy is ethnocentric and hypocritical. The point that is often ...

Those Who Have Binding Authority

Those Who Have Binding Authority

The term ahl al-hal wal `aqd refers to those who have power and are influential in terms of dec ...

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 2/2)

My science family came from all over the world, and members were of varied backgrounds, culture ...

Ahmed Zewail – Biographical (Part 1/2)

Arriving in the States, I had the feeling of being thrown into an ocean. The ocean was full of ...

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 2/2)

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 2/2)

All sciences, so long as they are directed to God and not to merely worldly ends or personal gl ...

Umm `Imarah: A Great Model

Umm `Imarah: A Great Model

In that battle, she sustained more than twelve wounds in different parts of her body; and she b ...

The Position and Role of the Mind in Islam

The Position and Role of the Mind in Islam

Islam encouraged the human mind to think about laws of Islam and try to deduce laws for things ...