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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Significance of the Islamic Hijri Calendar

Significance of the Islamic Hijri Calendar

As an Islamic scholar wrote on the advent of the 15th century of the Hijrah calendar 22 years a ...

The Great Mamluk Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars

The Great Mamluk Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars

Baybars gained his first major military victory as commander of the Ayyoubid army at the city o ...

Moderate Accountability: The Prophet’s Method of Education

Moderate Accountability: The Prophet’s Method of Education

The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) used to bring the minors to accountability for th ...

The Covenant of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

The Covenant of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

This is an assurance of peace and protection given by the servant of Allah Omar, Commander of t ...

If You Want To Be Saved, Ask Questions!

If You Want To Be Saved, Ask Questions!

A major factor behind this problem is that some Muslim women do not have the capability to offe ...

The Problems Facing Modern Civilization

The Problems Facing Modern Civilization

The evils of Muslim societies stem from the gap between principle and practice, whereas the evi ...

Kindness to Children

Kindness to Children

The same happened with his two grandsons, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (May Allah be pleased with t ...

Jewels of Islam (Special Folder)

Jewels of Islam (Special Folder)

Islam is the religion of about 1.7 billion people all over the world. It is believed by Muslims ...

Fall of an Ancient Superpower (Qur’anic Story)

Fall of an Ancient Superpower (Qur’anic Story)

It is the same message given by every messenger of God: it is a call to believe in God alone an ...

Shedding Light on Makkah

Shedding Light on Makkah

In Makkah springs the finest water on the surface of the earth, the water of Zamzam, which is f ...

Why Do Muslims Fast?

Why Do Muslims Fast?

In Muslim households, especially in Muslim majority countries, the children will be looking for ...

Why Is Time So Important?

Why Is Time So Important?

Time passes like the clouds. No matter how long man lives in this life, his life is short, as d ...