The moral of the story is clear and self-explanatory indeed. It needs neither further clarifica ...
Balancing as well as controlling one’s financial activities have become significantly important ...
It is a fact that Faith makes all people equal before Allah, but there is leadership and rank a ...
The question of 'copyright' is related to a wider concept, generally known as the concept of 'i ...
Do not exaggerate; do not overact; if you find a stone on your way, pick it up and throw it beh ...
I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love feminine beauty too much to advo ...
Allah revealed the Book (Noble Qur’an) in order for us to read it, and mull over it with care a ...
Muslims believe that water is a gift from God and that it is a proof of God’s existence, greatn ...
I would give anything to do an on-the-job, ride-along with Khadijah. Gladly swipe my car for a ...
The Prophet said that even a tiny unborn that was killed because of human recklessness is going ...
There were sins during the time of Adam, Seth and Enoch, but no blasphemy among the people. The ...
Ibn Rushd was one of the greatest intellectual geniuses in human history. He was acquainted wit ...