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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Status of Children in Islam (2/2)

The Status of Children in Islam (2/2)

In Islam it is recommended that parents observe the birth of a child with an offering known as ...

The Status of Children in Islam (1/2)

The Status of Children in Islam (1/2)

Islam is a religion revealed by God for all people, in all places, at all times. As such, Islam ...

Born of Good Intentions

Born of Good Intentions

Najm Al-Din got married to that young woman whose name was Sit Khatun and the dream became real ...

Sinan Pasha: The Architect

Sinan Pasha: The Architect

The sultan became aware of Sinan’s architectural work in the 1530s during his military career a ...

Poverty in Secular and Islamic Economics (Part 1 / 2)

Poverty in Secular and Islamic Economics (Part 1 / 2)

There are different ways of defining poverty and measuring it. One may classify those definitio ...

Teaching and Purifying

Teaching and Purifying

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) held the most challenging leadership positions in Isla ...

The Prophet’s Mercy towards the Elderly (P. 1/2)

The Prophet’s Mercy towards the Elderly (P. 1/2)

Prophet Muhammad was a pioneer in this field. He taught caring for the elderly irrespective of ...

Imam Malik ibn Anas

Imam Malik ibn Anas

Imam Malik's mother advised him to join the first school and university in Islam, the Mosque of ...

The Importance of Education in Islam

The Importance of Education in Islam

One of the purposes of acquiring knowledge is to gain the good of this world, not to destroy it ...

The Status of Women in Islam (P. 3-3)

The Status of Women in Islam (P. 3-3)

Islam granted women contractual rights, conjugal rights, the right to inherit, to initiate divo ...

The Last Great Caliph: Abdulhamid II

The Last Great Caliph: Abdulhamid II

Throughout Islamic history, one of the uniting aspects of the Muslim world was the caliphate. A ...

Concept of Gender Equality in Islam (P. 2)

Concept of Gender Equality in Islam (P. 2)

Islam recognizes that while men and women have some physical differences, spiritually they enjo ...