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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq: The First Caliph

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq: The First Caliph

Tabuk was the last expedition of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and he asked peo ...

How Prayer Accelerates the Treatment of the Sick

How Prayer Accelerates the Treatment of the Sick

According to the Qur'an, prayer, meaning "calling, giving expression, requesting, seeking help, ...

Ten Principles for Those Seeking the Path of Allah

Ten Principles for Those Seeking the Path of Allah

For the one who is always observant of his heart for the sake of God, and does not let other th ...

Balancing Our Inner and Outer Worlds

Balancing Our Inner and Outer Worlds

Our mountains, oceans, deserts, and forests have traded places on Earth through the shifting sa ...

10 Lessons from Jesus (Prophet Esa)

10 Lessons from Jesus (Prophet Esa)

Due to the way human history has gone, the word slavery has very negative connotations and righ ...

Diminished Faith? 4 Easy Steps to Recovery

Diminished Faith? 4 Easy Steps to Recovery

A million different things run through your head. You feel alien to the community of Muslims th ...

9 Lessons from Moses’ Conversation with God

9 Lessons from Moses’ Conversation with God

Just like Moses was given the sign of the burning fire, God gives all of us signs in this life. ...

Mary and Jesus in Islam

Mary and Jesus in Islam

Jesus Eesa (Esau, Yeheshua Jesus-Christ) was a Prophet and Messenger as well. He received One B ...

The Islamic Jesus

The Islamic Jesus

Jesus himself is also venerated throughout the Qur’an. We read that he was born of a virgin, he ...

In Search of the Prophet

In Search of the Prophet

I found my source of adoration for you in the love and respect that the Almighty has proclaimed ...

Responsibility of Pluralism in Islam

Responsibility of Pluralism in Islam

For many religions, both Eastern and Western, it was pretty much: “Follow my way or I will send ...

Fitrah: The Predisposition in Humans to Worship One God

Fitrah: The Predisposition in Humans to Worship One God

Because of all these powerful forces fighting against the Fitrah God chose certain righteous me ...