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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Difficulties: True Character of the World

Difficulties: True Character of the World

For this reason, if life is full of difficulties and challenges, one should not be surprised or ...

Fruits of Truthfulness

Fruits of Truthfulness

One of the best ethics and morals a true Muslim should have and enjoy is truthfulness. As is st ...

Despair and Suicide in Islam: Lawful?

Despair and Suicide in Islam: Lawful?

The Qur’an makes it clear that human life is sacred. Life cannot be taken without justification ...

Belief in the Afterlife

Belief in the Afterlife

Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to ...

Belief in Angels in Islam

Belief in Angels in Islam

In the Islamic worldview, there are no fallen angels: they are not divided into ‘good’ and ‘evi ...

Keeping away from Suspicions

Keeping away from Suspicions

Guarding against doubtful things includes avoiding exposing oneself to suspicions and doubt. Th ...

Fulfilling Needs of the Needy

Fulfilling Needs of the Needy

Led by this awareness, Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, left seclusion ...

Belief in One God

Belief in One God

Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, one should constantly have faith in Him, an ...

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How do you disbelieve in Allah! How with unlimited number of question marks and exclamation mar ...

The Forgiveness of Sins

The Forgiveness of Sins

God did not create humankind for any purpose other than to worship Him. However being human ma ...

Do People Need Religion in our Society?

Do People Need Religion in our Society?

This a lecture given by Abdurraheem Green under the title: Do People Need Religion in our Socie ...

The Purpose of Creation (Part 2 / 2)

The Purpose of Creation (Part 2 / 2)

Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God by obeying the divinely revealed laws? This ...