Following this, Allah the Almighty draws the attention of the “thinking man” to a number of dee ...
Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority among humans who have denied the existe ...
Patience has two aspects: theory and practice. In these, cures of the heart and the body are fo ...
Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and his bride Esra Polat behaved as true believers when they took their sa ...
The behavior of growing children is influenced by many factors that include their parents and o ...
It was high time for the spiritual authority to be transferred from a nation whose history got ...
This serenity is a window that Allah opens upon Paradise to the believers among His servants, a ...
Serenity flourishes and thrives without any help from money or materialistic resources. You mig ...
Acknowledgement of God’s blessings; their appreciation and recognition should automatically lea ...
In no way does Islam preach forced conversions, rather, this is something forbidden by clear te ...
Imagine that you found yourself in this leader’s position. What would you do with the bandit? W ...
If man has fallen into misguidance and heedlessness, sorrows over what was done or missed in th ...