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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Badiuzzaman’s Bridge Between Science & Religion

Badiuzzaman’s Bridge Between Science & Religion

Approaching the end of his life, Imam Nursi declared: "I have just one purpose. That is, as I g ...

The Perfect Equilibrium in the Universe

The Perfect Equilibrium in the Universe

The billions of stars and galaxies in the universe move in perfect equilibrium in the paths set ...

The Creation of Man as Mentioned in the Qur’an‏

The Creation of Man as Mentioned in the Qur’an‏

Modern science has, by now, explained the entire process of the creation of a human being, down ...

The Stages of Wind Formation

The Stages of Wind Formation

What is astonishing here is that, despite there being belts of very different temperatures and ...

Embryo = Leech: A Miracle of the Qur’an

Embryo = Leech: A Miracle of the Qur’an

New images have been found revealing amazing truths behind verses in the Qur’an that depict the ...

Structural Differences: Sun, Moon & Stars

Structural Differences: Sun, Moon & Stars

As we know, the only source of light in the Solar System is the Sun. With advances in technolog ...

Amazing Qur’an Miracle

Amazing Qur’an Miracle

New images have been found revealing amazing truths behind verses in the Qur’an that depict the ...

Islam, Muslims and the Natural World

Islamic law needs to be applied in environmental cases. For everything ranging from animal righ ...

Different Points in the Rising and Setting of the Sun

Different Points in the Rising and Setting of the Sun

Bearing in mind that the Arabian Peninsula is not that far from the equator, it would appear im ...

Sub-Atomic Particles

Sub-Atomic Particles

At the present time, modern science has revealed that the atom, previously regarded as the smal ...

The Fig: A Fruit Whose Perfection Has Only Recently Been Revealed

The Fig: A Fruit Whose Perfection Has Only Recently Been Revealed

Despite being one of the oldest fruits known to man, the fig-described as "nature's most nearly ...

A Red Rose in the Sky: The Rosette Nebula

A Red Rose in the Sky: The Rosette Nebula

The existence of this body seen in the illustrations can only be confirmed by high-tech observa ...