There are antimatter equivalents of all the basic particles in the universe. Antimatters posses ...
Neurological researches informed that most areas of speech processing in human brain develop in ...
Latest research shows a very unexpected candidate for the top position in animal intelligence, ...
We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable. ...
The fact that chimp DNA is similar to human DNA is not a proof of evolution. We could just as e ...
Why does mankind need revelation? Isn't it enough just to be good? Isn't it enough for each of ...
Far from being a scientific thesis, Darwinism is a system of thought invented and sustained in ...
Darwinism thrives in a climate of ignorance. It suggests that intermediate fossils exist when i ...
Darwinism is the worst mass deception of the last two hundred years. Within the next 5 to 10 ye ...
Once the idea of Darwinism, the root of harmful ideologies, is finally overturned, only one tru ...
Scientists studying how bees inform each other of the places they find made a most astonishing ...
A fish expends a large amount of energy while swimming. This is not because it swims fast for l ...