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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Water Lilies

Water Lilies

Amazon water lilies that grow in the sticky mud covering the bottom of the Amazon River are int ...

Is Creation an Evolutionary Process?

Is Creation an Evolutionary Process?

The Qur'an is silent as to the nature of the process through which the human body took its fina ...

Darwinism: A Religion of Superstition

Darwinism: A Religion of Superstition

For Darwinists, the theory of evolution is much more than a scientific proposition. When their ...

The Unquestionable Taboos of Darwinism

The Unquestionable Taboos of Darwinism

Regardless of the fact that the Darwinist religion is merely a product of demagoguery, it has c ...

Birds that Imitate Sound Invalidate Evolutionary Theory

Birds that Imitate Sound Invalidate Evolutionary Theory

The evolutionary tree on which the evolutionists rely is a strained series of links between dif ...

Tales of “Feathered Dinosaurs” No Longer Deceive Anyone

Tales of “Feathered Dinosaurs” No Longer Deceive Anyone

Birds have always existed as birds, and dinosaurs always existed as dinosaurs. You can examine ...

The Evolutionist Impasse that Emerges with the Microorganisms

The Evolutionist Impasse that Emerges with the Microorganisms

Evolutionist claims maintain that the first characteristic acquired by the first bacterium was ...

The Camel: A Special Animal in the Service of Mankind

The Camel: A Special Animal in the Service of Mankind

The exclusively specific characteristic of the camel is its body structure, which is not effect ...

The Fossil Record Refutes Evolution

The Fossil Record Refutes Evolution

According to the theory of evolution, every living species has sprung from a predecessor. A pr ...

Biological Evolution: An Islamic Perspective

Biological Evolution: An Islamic Perspective

Many people wonder about the theory of biological evolution – the theory that living species on ...

Islamic Scripture and the Creation of Humankind

Islamic Scripture and the Creation of Humankind

The evidences from the Qur’an and Sunnah on humanity being descended from these two parents are ...

The King of the Jungle: The Lion

The King of the Jungle: The Lion

Male lions have manes. This soft hair surrounds the face and covers the back of the head, neck ...