Islam has been proven the right faith by Allah the Almighty at the hands of Prophet Muhammad in so many ways.
Islam is the religion of about 1.7 billion people all over the world. It is believed by Muslims that Islam is the original faith sent down and prescribed by Allah (God) the Almighty for all humanity since Prophet Adam (Peace and blessings be upon him). To them, it is not a mere faith or religion sent down by Allah to Prophet Muhammad, the last Prophet, (Peace and blessings be upon him), rather, it is the faith of all prophets and messengers and the faith of fitrah (natural disposition) and that many people exchanged it for either disbelief or belief in other than Allah, the Creator of everything.
Islam has been proven the right faith by Allah the Almighty at the hands of Prophet Muhammad in so many ways.
Below is just a sample of articles that were published by Truth-Seeker.info throughout the last few years that may show some of the spectacular dimensions of Islam and its peculiar characteristics and achievements that may call people to think about it as the only right religion and faith that should be adopted and sought.
Join us to read the following write-ups that may give you an idea about what Islam has and can achieve for the development of humanity.
Towards a Media Code of Ethics
Towards a Media Code of Ethics deals with the concept of freedom of expression from Western as well as Islamic perspectives.
Islam Solves World Poverty and Hunger
This article deals with the way Islam Solves World Poverty and Hunger; this is very important on the occasion of World Earth Day.
Copyright Laws in Islam
This article by Mufti Taqi Uthmani on Copyright Laws in Islam is an amazing one as it shows the various views on the issue by different scholars and then he provides his own view on the issue.
A Brief Look at Islam’s Contribution to Mathematics
The new numeric system did not only affect science. Its value was manifest in many aspects of daily life, from the calculation of customs dues, taxes, almsgiving (zakat) and transport charges, to the complexity of divisions of inheritance. A further useful innovation was the mine of separation in fractions, which eliminated many frustrating confusions.
The Orphan in Islamic Law
This article tackles the status of the Orphan in Islamic Law and shows who can be described as an orphan and who is not. It also shows how Islam cares for the orphan be it minor or mature person.
The Real Status of Women in Islam
This article by Aisha Stacey entitled, The Real Status of Women in Islam, shows how Islam is fair to women as they constitute half of society.
Nature of Differences among People
This article by Dr. Ali Al-Halawani titled: Nature of Differences among People, tackles the nature of difference and what may cause discord among human beings and how they should deal with it guided by Allah’s Ordinances.
Writing System for the Blind: Al-Amidi vs. Braille
This article is about the writing and reading systems designed for the blind and it shows that a Syrian Muslim, known as Ali Ibn Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Ibn Al-Khizr Al-Amidi (d. 1314 CE) was considered an expert in reading such a system 600 years before Braille.
Can a Sword Capture a Human Heart?
This article by Dr. Ali Al-Halawani titled: Can a Sword Capture a Human Heart?, deals with the rumors and fallacies spread by many alleging that Islam has spread by the edge of the sword.
Islam Calls for Good Manners
Dr. Ali Al-Halawani shows the importance and significance of good manners and lenient conduct in Islam.
Islam and People with Disabilities
This article by Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi highlights how Islam treats and care about People with disabilities and Special Needs as the main motive behind Islam as a religion is the social welfare, dignity and honor of man on earth.
Religious Tolerance in Islam
This article by Mamaduke Pickthall on Tolerance in Islam shows many facets of this issue as peculiar to Islam and Muslims.
Prophet Muhammad: The World’s Best Teacher
This article by Sumayyah Meehan titled Prophet Muhammad: The World’s Best Teacher, should be read thoroughly as it tackles a very important aspect of Prophet Muhammad’s character.
Muhammad’s Contribution to Human Thought
This article tackles Prophet Muhammad’s Contribution to Human Thought as it reveals that this unlettered dweller of the desert of Arabia, who was born in the ‘dark ages’ some 1,400 years ago, was the real pioneer of the modern age and the true leader of humanity.
Prophet Muhammad & The Power of Giving
This article by Adil Salahi deals with one aspect of the Prophet’s character; it is titled: Prophet Muhammad & The Power of Giving.
Positive Thinking in Islam
This article by Anees Aziz on Positive Thinking in Islam; it deals with hopefulness and optimism which we dearly need.
Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion
The article, Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion by Sami al-Majid is a very important one as it shows it is in no way does Islam preach forced conversions, rather, this is something forbidden by clear texts. The article is a clear elaboration on this.
How Islam Solves the Problem of Begging
This article deals with How Islam Solves the Problem of Begging.
The Importance of Education in Islam
This article deals with The Importance of Education in Islam and how Islam cares about education and urges Muslims to seek knowledge in an earnest manner.
Philanthropy and Zakat
This article be Habib Alli titled, Philanthropy and Zakat, deals with the institution of charity and sadaqah in Islam and the importance of such institution in today’s world.
Water and Sanitation
Muslims believe that water is a gift from God and that it is a proof of God’s existence, greatness and His Uniqueness. God calls on us to contemplate the rain, the rivers, and the salty and sweet water; He calls on us to recognize water as a sign of His Bounty. God provides us with the water we need, but could just as easily withhold it.
The Position and Role of the Mind in Islam
This article deals with The Position and Role of the Mind in Islam and the ways in which Islam encourages the mind to think and contemplate over the creation of Allah.
Dr. Ali Al-Halawani is Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Translation, Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was Assistant Professor and worked for a number of international universities in Malaysia and Egypt such as Al-Madinah International University, Shah Alam, Malaysia (Mediu) and Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST), Egypt; Former Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Da`wah Committee (EDC), Kuwait; Former Deputy Chief Editor and Managing Editor of the Living Shari`ah Department, www.islamOnline.net; Member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS); and member of the World Association of Arab Translators & Linguists (Wata). He is a published writer, translator and researcher. You can reach him at [email protected].