I was challenging my friend with every question that came to mind about God. I would find myself writing out questions late in the evening. This went on for well over a year. One day she handed me a book that briefly answered questions like, is there a God; is Jesus God; what about the Bible. It presented facts. No comments like, "you have to believe." ...
The radar imaging used today scans the world at every moment and developments taking place on the earth can thus be constantly monitored. In addition, data can be collected about physical features on earth, such as mountains, glaciers and the oceans, and also about man-made objects, such as houses, bridges and cars. ...
A great deal of information was obtained about locusts in the twentieth century by conducting wide-ranging studies using micro-cameras. Locust swarms contain huge numbers of individual locusts that behave as a single body. Coming together in swarms that are kilometers long and wide, they look just like a dark cloud. It has been established, for instance, that a single swarm of desert locusts can cover 1,200 square kilometers (460 square miles) and contain between 40 and 80 million locusts per sq ...
The word "anzaln-a," meaning “to send down,” may also be thought of in the figurative sense of being placed at the service of human beings. But bearing in mind the true meaning of the word, which is “physically descending from the sky,” used for rain and solar rays, then the verse can be seen to contain a hugely significant scientific miracle. Because modern astronomical findings have revealed that the iron on Earth came from giant stars in outer space. ...
Can you imagine the special situation required of our bodies to adapt to extreme changes in weather? For example, if my sister, currently experiencing winter in southern Australia, visits me for the Eid in a Mediterranean Country during summer, she will experience a dramatic change in climate. ...
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, pointed in his various sayings and explanations to the fact that the baby in mother’s womb carries a number of genetic features (characteristics) which are being inherited from the parents: When a Jewish person asked Him, “what is man created from?” he replied: “Man is created from a blend (mixture) of zygotes of both man and woman.” Then the Jew said: “Moses as well said the same before you.” ...
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) handled many situations involving the antics and natural tendencies of infants and minor children with exemplary patience and good-naturedness. As God has commanded us in the Qur'an to emulate Prophet Muhammad as a ticket to earning His ultimate pleasure with us in the Hereafter, we should see how the Prophet corrected or reprimanded small children whenever they did something that could, in the modern world, severely test the patience and tolerance of most ...
Jesus Eesa (Esau, Yeheshua Jesus-Christ) was a Prophet and Messenger as well. He received One Book called the Injeel / Gospel. He was similar to the Messengers and was a Chosen Man who performed Miracles, who brought the message and preached about the Unity of God. He was the only Prophet raised alive and is mentioned in 29 times (more than Prophet Muhammad who was only mentioned 4 times). ...
Jesus himself is also venerated throughout the Qur’an. We read that he was born of a virgin, he was “the Messiah,” and he performed amazing miracles. The Qur’an even calls Jesus “the Word of God” — a very powerful term, especially for those who are familiar with the beginning of the Gospel of John. ...
I found my source of adoration for you in the love and respect that the Almighty has proclaimed for you; in the honor that He bestowed upon you; in His confirmation of you as "the ultimate exemplar"; "seal of Prophets" and "mercy unto all existence". Allah has elevated the very memory of you and has made His boundless love accessible through obedience to you. ...
For many religions, both Eastern and Western, it was pretty much: “Follow my way or I will send you on the highway to Hell.” Although the belief system and code of conduct of believers was clearly delineated, the rights of unbelievers were often reduced to the right to die. In many cases, it boiled down to “Convert the unbelievers or kill them all.” ...
Because of all these powerful forces fighting against the Fitrah God chose certain righteous men and revealed to them clearly the right path in life. These men whom we call prophets were sent to help our Fitrah defeat its enemies. All the truths and good practices present in societies around the world today came from their teachings, and if it were not for their teachings, there would be no peace or safety in the world at all. ...