By A. O.
The Animal with the Longest Neck: The Giraffe

The very existence of giraffes unquestionably proves that they are created by Allah, Who is All-Powerful.
Giraffes have many amazing characteristics. One of these is that their neck stands on 7 vertebrae, just like that of all other mammals, even though it is so long. Another amazing fact about giraffes is that they do not have any problem pumping blood up to their brain on top of their long neck.
A little thinking would make one notice how difficult it must be to have the blood pumped so high. But giraffes do not have any problem with this, because their hearts are equipped with features to pump blood as high as necessary. This enables them to carry on with their lives effortlessly.
Yet they still face another problem while they drink water. Essentially, giraffes should have died of high blood pressure every time they bent down to drink water. However, the perfect system in their necks completely eliminates this risk. When they bend down, the valves in their neck vessels are shut down and they prevent excess blood from flowing to the brain.
There is no doubt that the giraffes did not acquire these traits by planning themselves in accordance with their needs. It is even more implausible to say that all these vital features were shaped over time through a gradual and accidental evolutionary process. In order for a giraffe to stay alive, it is vital for it to have a pumping system to transmit blood to the brain and a valve system to prevent high blood pressure the minute it bends down. If anyone of these characteristics did not exist or did not function properly, then it would be impossible for the giraffe to go on living.
The conclusion to be derived from all this is that the giraffe species was born into the world with all the characteristics vital for its living already there. It is impossible for a non-existent being to master its body and acquire essential traits consciously. So, the very existence of giraffes unquestionably proves that they are created by Allah, Who is All-Powerful.
A. O. is a Turkish writer and author.