Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, pointed in his various sayings and explanations to the fac ...
There are antimatter equivalents of all the basic particles in the universe. Antimatters posses ...
Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God by obeying the divinely revealed laws? This ...
Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority among humans who have denied the existe ...
Modern science has, by now, explained the entire process of the creation of a human being, down ...
In the context of the creation of the universe, the word "day" in the sense of twenty four hour ...
Since the total submission of one’s will to God represents the essence of worship, the basic me ...
Modern astronomy and physics imply a fact that materialists are unwilling to accept, that is, t ...
Nothing happens because the head structure of woodpeckers is ideally created for such a task. T ...
What do you think the answer of a rabbit would be if we were to ask it, "Which food do you like ...
Evolution is a component of materialism and, according to materialism, the universe has no begi ...
Those who support the idea of evolutionary creation maintain that Allah uses mutations to chang ...