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The Earth: A Living Planet

The Earth: A Living Planet

The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly and continuously, without ...

The Ability to See the Signs of God

The Ability to See the Signs of God

Man should think on how he came into being, what the purpose of his life is, why he will die an ...

A System Planned in Its Every Detail

A System Planned in Its Every Detail

Breathing, eating, walking, etc, are very natural human functions. But most people do not think ...



Agnosticism is not a creed but a method, the essence of which lies in the vigorous application ...

The Miracle of the Immune System

The Miracle of the Immune System

Our bodies have enemies, which we are unable to see and may not even be aware to exist. We also ...

Deep Thinking

Deep Thinking

Have you ever thought that the Earth you are now walking on is moving at a speed of 1,670 kilom ...

Bees’ Methods of Communication

Bees’ Methods of Communication

Scientists studying how bees inform each other of the places they find made a most astonishing ...

How Do Fish Live in Water?

How Do Fish Live in Water?

A fish expends a large amount of energy while swimming. This is not because it swims fast for l ...

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

Why Does Islam Prohibit Drinking Alcohol?

In pre-Islamic Arabia, alcohol use was widespread. To eradicate this evil, Allah in His mercy r ...

The Pandemic: Punishment or Blessing?

The Pandemic: Punishment or Blessing?

All Muslims accept that God is al-Kareem (The Most Generous). Muslims learned in madrasa that t ...

Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?

Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?

Sufferings occur to teach us that we must adhere to Allah’s natural and moral laws. It is somet ...

Hajj: A Universal Message for Peace

Hajj: A Universal Message for Peace

In hajj, a pilgrim meets and peacefully deals with people from different languages, ethnicities ...