Contrary to the perceived wisdom, God did not create matter and then leave it on its own. Every ...
The resurrection is a re-creation of life after death. Death is not the cessation of existence. ...
God manifests His infinite might and knowledge in everywhere. The perfection of every part of t ...
Be patient in times of hardship and difficulty, when struggling with personal desires, and in a ...
By the time the ewe gives birth to her lamb, she never forgets its smell and the taste she sens ...
The Arabic word translated as "confines" in the above verse is "aqtar." This is the plural form ...
There are 20 times more members of this secret world, which is spread all over the planet, micr ...
As for the word "faith," it implies that a person is correctly oriented to the future or, in ot ...
The verses' statements are perfectly clear. Allah created Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, from ...
The resurrection is a re-creation of life after death. Death is not the cessation of existence. ...
It was during this period, at the age of 21, Badiuzzaman read a news article reporting that Bri ...
Moral values, such as honesty, trustworthiness, justice and chastity, are originally innate val ...