The defense specialist fire ants are also highly skilled and hard working. They may build hills ...
Puffins can dive very deep. Do you know what awaits a human being who wants to dive as deep as ...
It is an interesting and awe-inspiring situation for a living being to reach a weight 8 times i ...
Thinking about the creation of the world, the universe, and humankind can be confusing. There ...
Just as the Qur’an is believed to be the revealed Word of Allah without any reservations, simil ...
The One true God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Mus ...
Arabic calligraphy is the central original Islamic art, which our ancestors mastered. They perf ...
Willingly or unwillingly, women are bombarded with styles of “dressing-in-little-to-nothing” vi ...
A bird's feather is a light structure that has lift force and can easily regain its original sh ...
One of the main arguments invoked in support of some form or other of atheism has always been t ...
Quite aware that the second law of thermodynamics renders evolution impossible, some evolutioni ...
Why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man or ...