Ibn Haytham's writings reveal his fine development of the experimental faculty. His tables of c ...
Iron is preserved undamaged in the body as it fossilized. Human beings need to consume an avera ...
Muslims and their countries are to be turned into the dumping grounds for such people’s cultura ...
During the long years of my search for the truth, I studied with many religious faiths. For ove ...
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi refutes Usama Hasan's claim that Adam (as) was born to non-human parents. Ya ...
Islam is what is sometimes called a proselytizing religion. That means it is a religion that at ...
Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the w ...
Over the last two centuries the Islamic world has been under another transformation from the We ...
Dhikr or remembrance of God is a way of linking the heart with the Divine. It provides with the ...
Islam is a “total way of life.” It has provided guidance in every sphere of life, from individu ...
The minimal Muslim claim is that the Qur’an DOES NOT contradict established facts of science or ...
When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with our ...