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Toward a Caring and Just Muslim Society

Toward a Caring and Just Muslim Society

All human beings share the same essential qualities. Therefore, any type of contact or interact ...

Islam, the Modern Alternative (P. 1)

Islam, the Modern Alternative (P. 1)

Humans lack perfect knowledge as well as perfect wisdom. No matter how hard we try, we will nev ...

Islam and Environmental Ethics (Part 1/2)

Islam and Environmental Ethics (Part 1/2)

In order to understand Islamic ethics we have to know that Islam is based on the paradigm of ta ...

Belief in the Afterlife

Belief in the Afterlife

Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to ...

Six Reasons to Believe that God is There (P. 1)

Six Reasons to Believe that God is There (P. 1)

Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and ligh ...

Belief in Angels in Islam

Belief in Angels in Islam

In the Islamic worldview, there are no fallen angels: they are not divided into ‘good’ and ‘evi ...

Islamic Prescription for Racial Discrimination (Part 1/2)

Islamic Prescription for Racial Discrimination (Part 1/2)

The world was at its worst before Allah sent Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) ...

Allah Is Near to You!

Allah Is Near to You!

Yes, God is near to us with His knowledge and through His angels. However, His nearness should ...

Belief in One God

Belief in One God

Having achieved this knowledge of the One True God, one should constantly have faith in Him, an ...

The Concept of God as Believed by Muslims

The Concept of God as Believed by Muslims

God is the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe who created everything for a reason. Musli ...

Divine Attributes of God the Creator

Divine Attributes of God the Creator

Since Allah is entirely different from all things created and far above His creation, His attri ...

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How Do You Disbelieve in Allah?

How do you disbelieve in Allah! How with unlimited number of question marks and exclamation mar ...