And the thing that God is calling mankind to in the Qur’an is as the Muslim scholars say is act ...
The billions of stars and galaxies in the universe move in perfect equilibrium in the paths set ...
Muslims believe that all members of humankind are able to reform; in addition they believe that ...
Islam recognizes that human beings are the custodians of the earth and all that is on it, inclu ...
What is astonishing here is that, despite there being belts of very different temperatures and ...
There is nothing like Him, and it is impossible to imagine or conceive Him. He is not qualified ...
Rejoice and be happy, remain positive and be at peace. This is what Islam teaches, for all God’ ...
For 23 years he ruled an empire that had welded together a broad arc of the earth extending fro ...
The achievements of modern science seem to contradict religion and undermine faith. But for a g ...
This serenity is a window that Allah opens upon Paradise to the believers among His servants, a ...
The straight path is a kind of way and God has given man the ability to make his own choices; a ...
Acknowledgement of God’s blessings; their appreciation and recognition should automatically lea ...