
The King of the Jungle: The Lion

Male lions have manes. This soft hair surrounds the face and covers the back of the head, neck ...

polar bear

The Amazing Features of the Polar Bear

The polar bear has some amazing features which allow it to live at the North Pole. Despite the ...


Imaginary Mechanism of Evolution

It is impossible for living beings to have evolved, because there exists no mechanism in nature ...

Human Embryos

Human Embryos Have Gills: A Myth?

It is now known that the "gills" that supposedly appear in the early stages of the human embryo ...

False Eyes

False Eyes

Can these extremely convincing eyes be the result of a coincidence? How does the butterfly know ...

Life in the Desert

Extreme heat that reaches up to 50-60oC (122-140oF) in the daytime, freezing cold at night, dro ...

The Heating System of the Winter Moth

Before flight winter moths continuously tense the main muscles that are connected to the wings ...

Chemical Communications

The Marvelous Co-Operation of the Ant and the Bird

Microbes disturb birds too, but birds do not have a system in their bodies to produce protectiv ...

Neurons: Cells that Produce Electrical Current

Imagine that all the complex systems in your body exist, but that the data transmission in your ...


Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

The most important claim of the Greek philosophers Empedocles (fifth century bce), Thales (d. 5 ...


Compass in the Ant’s Eye

Black desert ants inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia are among those creatures who ...


Defending Darwinism Facilitates Communism’s Spread

One of the most important and yet least-known aspects of Darwin is his racism: Darwin regarded ...