Koalas can quickly climb trees with their long curled arms, and sharp claws and paws that hold ...
We have seen in the last two chapters that man bears in his bodily structure clear traces of hi ...
In the electrical equipment we use in everyday life, the strength of the electricity used—that ...
The sudden origination of a complex structure in a complete form out of the blue shows that it ...
The hard and resistant nature of wood is the result of the cellulose fibres it contains. Becaus ...
Billions of people have appeared on earth since time immemorial. Therefore, God created billion ...
Garden spiders sometimes spin their web between two distant branches. Since such webs are quite ...
For consumers who are intent on humane techniques for raising and slaughtering animals, grass-f ...
By the time the ewe gives birth to her lamb, she never forgets its smell and the taste she sens ...
There are 20 times more members of this secret world, which is spread all over the planet, micr ...
It is impossible to understand the structure of the atom and establish this cloud-like appearan ...
The generations succeeding Adam could also speak, had feelings, felt sorry or excited, wear clo ...