
What Darwin Never Knew

The fact that chimp DNA is similar to human DNA is not a proof of evolution. We could just as e ...


Seeking The Guide

Recently, I found myself to be very lost. And this was alarming because I used to be a person w ...


Qur’an: A Teacher to Modern Scientists – Part 2

Guidance to humanity proclaimed in the Quran is complete and applicable to all societies and al ...


Bees’ Methods of Communication

Scientists studying how bees inform each other of the places they find made a most astonishing ...


How Do Fish Live in Water?

A fish expends a large amount of energy while swimming. This is not because it swims fast for l ...

Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?

Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?

Sufferings occur to teach us that we must adhere to Allah’s natural and moral laws. It is somet ...


Why Is the Theory of Evolution Not the “Basis of Biology”?

It is frequently claimed that Darwinism is central to modern biology. On the contrary, if all r ...

who is Allah by Iyad Sultan

A Few Words about Allah

Allah is the one and only Lord, whom the hearts and souls revere and long for. All creation dep ...


A Half-Developed Eye Cannot See

The common trait of the eyes and the wings is that they can only function if they are fully dev ...


Do Butterflies Know Physics?

The colias butterfly cannot fly when its body temperature is below 28oC (83oF). In such cases, ...

Nature in the Qur’an

Amazing Description of Realities of Nature in the Qur’an

If they were exposed to us as they really are, then we would not be able to sleep at night. The ...

Is Allah a Loving God?

The entire universe and everything in it is proof of Allah’s love for all of mankind. He loves ...