
The Unquestionable Taboos of Darwinism

Regardless of the fact that the Darwinist religion is merely a product of demagoguery, it has c ...


The Mosquito: A Brand-New Body

The mosquito is an insect that came into existence after going through a number of miraculous p ...

Feathered Dinosaurs

Tales of “Feathered Dinosaurs” No Longer Deceive Anyone

Birds have always existed as birds, and dinosaurs always existed as dinosaurs. You can examine ...


The Evolutionist Impasse that Emerges with the Microorganisms

Evolutionist claims maintain that the first characteristic acquired by the first bacterium was ...

Nerve Cells

The Selective Nature of the Nerve Cells

The nerve cells, which are called the neurons, unlike other cells, have axons and dendrites. Th ...


Navigating Through Life Storms

Believers and unbelievers have very different reactions to events. For example, a believer may ...

On the Existence of the Divine Being

On the Existence of the Divine Being

Only a person out of his wits could hold that this wonderful system of life came into being, an ...

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy from an Islamic Perspective

For some people, such hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. are merely forces of nature that ...

Science Upholds Creation, not Evolution

It is true that in the nineteenth century materialism was confused with science, and that scien ...

Neurons: Cells that Produce Electrical Current

Imagine that all the complex systems in your body exist, but that the data transmission in your ...


Evolution Is an Ancient Pagan Greek Idea

The most important claim of the Greek philosophers Empedocles (fifth century bce), Thales (d. 5 ...


Allah’s Different Forms of Creation

There is an important point that is ignored by those who believe in evolutionary creation which ...