
Understanding the Nature of God: A King Like Other Kings?

In all these senses, He is a king, but He is so different from all human kings. Thus it is true ...

A Martial Art Led Me to Islam

A Martial Art Led Me to Islam

I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with or ...

Design and Coincidence

The sudden origination of a complex structure in a complete form out of the blue shows that it ...

The Solidity of the Atom and Electron Orbits

It is impossible to understand the structure of the atom and establish this cloud-like appearan ...

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Not Evidence of Evolution?

Evolutionists claim that some organs in living things lose their original function over time, a ...

Darwinism Poses a Threat to Society

In fact, the damage done to young people by Darwinism in many countries is seen to be irreversi ...

It is a Mistake to Think Charles Darwin was Religious

Darwin's atheism had the greatest influence on shaping his theory. He twisted facts, observatio ...

How Do We Know God is One? (Part 1/2)

The Qur’an rhetorically asks the question: “Did the universe come out of nothing?” The answer s ...

Allah: The One and Only God

The One true God is a reflection of the unique concept that Islam associates with God. To a Mus ...