One of the most important and yet least-known aspects of Darwin is his racism: Darwin regarded ...
There is a great similarity between the beliefs of Darwinists and those of old pagan cultures. ...
As these prominent Darwinist scientists admitted, it's illogical to maintain that life began sp ...
Honey bees, which make perfect hexagonal hives; beavers, which construct dams suited to fine en ...
All turtle species breath with lungs . God has created the lungs of these creatures towards the ...
In all these senses, He is a king, but He is so different from all human kings. Thus it is true ...
I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with or ...
The sudden origination of a complex structure in a complete form out of the blue shows that it ...
It is impossible to understand the structure of the atom and establish this cloud-like appearan ...