
How Do Fish Live in Water?

A fish expends a large amount of energy while swimming. This is not because it swims fast for l ...


Why Is the Theory of Evolution Not the “Basis of Biology”?

It is frequently claimed that Darwinism is central to modern biology. On the contrary, if all r ...


A Half-Developed Eye Cannot See

The common trait of the eyes and the wings is that they can only function if they are fully dev ...


Do Butterflies Know Physics?

The colias butterfly cannot fly when its body temperature is below 28oC (83oF). In such cases, ...

Nature in the Qur’an

Amazing Description of Realities of Nature in the Qur’an

If they were exposed to us as they really are, then we would not be able to sleep at night. The ...


The Sleeping Bag of the Parrotfish

This gelatinous sheath of the parrotfish is secreted from the upper side of the gill cavity. Th ...


Dragonflies: Flight Machines

The appearance of a dragonfly resembles a helicopter. This insect has such a perfect talent for ...

A Brief History of the Theory of Evolution

The theory of evolution is the outcome of the materialist philosophy that surfaced with the rea ...

The Formation of Milk

The formation of milk is by itself an enormous creation miracle. And it is another miracle alto ...


Evolution: The Most Potent Spell

Never before has any other belief or idea so taken away peoples' powers of reason, refused to a ...

Luminescent Creatures

The Amazing Luminescent Creatures

Fireflies produce green-yellow lights in their bodies. Light is the means of communication for ...


An Interesting Creature: The Nautilus

As the special diving tanks in a submarine are filled with water, the vessel becomes heavier th ...