Darwinism Poses a Threat to Society

In fact, the damage done to young people by Darwinism in many countries is seen to be irreversi ...

termite nests

Architectural Wonders: Termite Nests

A person who has never seen the huge nests built by blind termites would probably think that th ...

Scorpion Fish

The Skilful Camouflage of the Scorpion Fish

Like scorpion fish, many other marine creatures cannot be distinguished from their environments ...

Red Blood Cells

The Color of Blood: Red Blood Cells

The chemical communication that brings this about is truly staggering to contemplate. Cells com ...

Honey Ants

The Creation of Honey Ants

It is an interesting and awe-inspiring situation for a living being to reach a weight 8 times i ...


The Amazing Structure of Birds’ Feathers

A bird's feather is a light structure that has lift force and can easily regain its original sh ...

The Eternalness of Matter

The Eternalness of Matter

One of the main arguments invoked in support of some form or other of atheism has always been t ...


Darwinism: A Face of Racism

Darwin spoke of the 'gorilla' and the 'negro' as occupying evolutionary positions between the ' ...

Creation of Nutfah, the Zygote

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, pointed in his various sayings and explanations to the fac ...


The Probability of Macroevolution

Macroevolution of evolution theory tells us that humans, as well as other multicellular forms o ...

Legionary Ants

The Amazing Legionary Ants

Direct sunlight may kill the legionary ants in a short time. Therefore, they travel either at n ...


Evolution Debate between Sh. Yasir Qadhi and Usama Hasan

Sheikh Yasir Qadhi refutes Usama Hasan's claim that Adam (as) was born to non-human parents. Ya ...