Extreme heat that reaches up to 50-60oC (122-140oF) in the daytime, freezing cold at night, dro ...
Before flight winter moths continuously tense the main muscles that are connected to the wings ...
Microbes disturb birds too, but birds do not have a system in their bodies to produce protectiv ...
Black desert ants inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia are among those creatures who ...
There is an important point that is ignored by those who believe in evolutionary creation which ...
One of the most important and yet least-known aspects of Darwin is his racism: Darwin regarded ...
There is a great similarity between the beliefs of Darwinists and those of old pagan cultures. ...
As these prominent Darwinist scientists admitted, it's illogical to maintain that life began sp ...
It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living bei ...
Evolution is not accepted by the entire scientific community, as its proponents would have peop ...
Mutations arise from replacements and interruptions that occur due to chemical effects and radi ...
God creates everything, in the form and at the time that He chooses, without the use of any mod ...