Entering the stream, the salmon starts to steadfastly swim against the current. This time its t ...
The brain of a gazelle is cooled by a special cooling system located on the right side of its h ...
Most people looking at the sky do not think about the protective aspect of the atmosphere. They ...
The word "Tariq," name of the Surah 86, comes from the root "tarq," whose basic meaning is that ...
Hemeroplane caterpillars can be found in various parts of Central and South America and Africa. ...
Many creatures have the capability to estimate potential hazards and to invent various security ...
The different physical features between human races are due to variations within the human race ...
Honey bees, which make perfect hexagonal hives; beavers, which construct dams suited to fine en ...
While a person cannot even swing his arms 10 times per second, an average fly has the ability t ...
His thesis was disarmingly simple: Most people assume that God exists, and therefore that the a ...
The endosymbiosis hypothesis is based on the fact that the mitochondria of animal cells and the ...
All turtle species breath with lungs . God has created the lungs of these creatures towards the ...