Just as the Qur’an is believed to be the revealed Word of Allah without any reservations, simil ...
What we have to understand is how these signs indicate that there will be a Hereafter. One cour ...
While there is an estimated 8 million Muslims in the United States, a 2010 study Ogilvy Noor, a ...
When we read the history of Muslim contribution to world civilization, it seems very recent tha ...
The importance of inductive reasoning is so great in the eyes of the Qur’an that at numerous pl ...
Like scorpion fish, many other marine creatures cannot be distinguished from their environments ...
A nation suffering from the mental maladies mentioned in the above verse cannot hope to recover ...
Our mountains, oceans, deserts, and forests have traded places on Earth through the shifting sa ...
The index of extinction risk for five major groups — birds, mammals, amphibians, corals and an ...
Zuhd entails abandoning whatever of this world that does not bring about benefit in the Hereaft ...
Due to the way human history has gone, the word slavery has very negative connotations and righ ...
A million different things run through your head. You feel alien to the community of Muslims th ...