
Women’s Rights in Islam: Protected Or Subjugated?

Across time the women were ill-treated and were not given their due rights. But then due to the ...

Ibn Al-Haytham

Ibn Al-Haytham: The Father of Modern Optics

After failing in his attempt to regulate the flow of the Nile, Ibn Al-Haytham feared that al-Ha ...


What Do You Know About Allah? (Special Folder)

“Allah” is comprised of letters and sounds that are easy for everyone to pronounce. They are an ...

The Scientist and the Qur’an: Dr. Maurice Bucaille

In a 1987 informal gathering of MDs, educators and community activists in Chicago, Dr. Maurice ...


The Death of the People of Hell

Will anyone die in Hell? Is there any authentic hadith to that effect or not? If it is true, th ...


As-Samad – Allah Is Self-Subsisting

The name As-Samad has many aspects to its meaning. It refers to one who is Lord, who possesses ...


Bedouins and Their Debased Culture before Islam

In the days of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), as in every period of hi ...


Down-To-Earth Tips for Parenting Children

Play should be the primary emphasis during this time in a child's life since this is the means ...


This is What Happens When You Humiliate Others!

The overall theme of the Surah exposes a mean type of person. One who appears in every society. ...

No Religion

“No Religion” 3rd Group After Christians, Muslims

An age breakdown showed Muslims had the lowest median age at 23 years, compared to 28 for the w ...

Natural Evil

Natural Evil, the Devil and Magic (Special Folder)

However, there are many signs in this universe that may need an adequate explanation. All faith ...


The Importance of `Aqidah (Creed, Faith)

This is the sum of what we wish to mention and what we wish to raise our voices about. The matt ...